It's been a busy couple of weeks. Got the boxes repaired that were losing there bottoms. Also got them refilled and fertilized. They are ready to plant and will probably do that the next couple of days. Will put in lettuce, radishes, and beets for now and probably some other shallow root crops since the boxes are not a deep now. They should produce better with the addition of fertilizer.

The main garden area is coming along nicely. I had four guys from Bartlett HS football team on Saturday the 7th help me move the stump piles in the middle of the garden. They are all now in one pile at the north end. We had the help of a little John Deere tractor to accomplish that task and it was very useful when it came to leveling the garden as well. Actually the learning curve on the tractor operation was pretty steep. I just had if figured out and then had to take it back. But we will need it again.

The compost bins have been completed and are heating up making new soil as we speak. It's very exciting so see things taking shape.

Top soil will be delivered on May 11. Oh wait! That's today. If you have a shovel and inclination there will be about 20 yards of soil to push around the garden in the next few days. With a little luck I hope to start planting at the latest on Monday the 16th. So if you are so inclined again I could use help on that day again. The garden will be a busy place for the next week.
Come by and lend a hand or just come by and chat. I will be there much of the time over the next week.
See you in the garden.